What’s Not a Plot

Here’s the thing. You don’t have a plot in your novel because time moves forward. Time is boring.

You don’t have a plot because stuff happens while time moves forward. Stuff is boring too. Sure, some stuff is more interesting than other stuff but it’s still just a bunch of stuff.

You don’t have a plot because your main character is trying to figure out a secret while stuff happens while time moves forward. Secrets… well, secrets aren’t boring when they’re revealed but they are for the 300 pages before they’re revealed because, um, they don’t exist yet.

A plot is what you have when your main characters finds a goal and then tries to reach it. Yes, there may be a secret he/she needs to figure out and there may be stuff happening and there probably will be time moving forward but without the GOAL, there is nothing to engage your reader in what happens.


Category: On Writing